Thursday 20 January 2011

First Draft of E Minor Cover

This is the first draft of my indie/rock music magazine cover. The image on the front cover displays the main focus of this issue of the magazine, and i have edited the photo to make the people stand out in the picture and to also comply with the band name 'the ghosts'. The front cover image i chose has a background of tree's and leaves to display the natural stereotype of indie/rock music. The font of the title 'E Minor' is cracked to comply with the image of indie/rock music as being rough and abit rebellious. The newspaper print used as a subheading for 'the ghosts' would usually be seen on a newspaper, not a magazine cover. I have used it to display their quirky attitudes, and to show they're not conforming to what would be seen as normal, which also shows of the indie/rock genre. The colours i chose for my front cover where two shades of blue, and one fuschia pink. These colours apply to my target audience of both males and females; fuschia for the girls, and blue for the boys. The "PLUS!+" and the band names at the bottom of the page have been put in a bright blue on a black background to make them stand out to the audience.

I would like to improve on my magazine on the next draft. I will add a barcode, issue number and a price to my cover to make it seem much more like a magazine cover. I may also try to improve my title, to make it stand out more to the target audience.