Wednesday 10 November 2010

For my R&B magazine i chose one image which complied with the stereotypical view of the R&B genre. The image is very sleek, clean cut and slightly sexual, demonstrating the R&B genre. The image covers the whole front page to clearly capture the audiences attention. The title of the magazine shows the audience instantly that it is an R&B magazine, and the clear, bold font is easily legible. I used red, black and white colours only on the cover because it keeps the cover looking neat and colour coordinated; like R&B is sleek and clean cut. Also, the use of the colour black demonstrates the origins of R&B music. The bright white, large text displaying the headline artist (CIARA) captures the attention of the audience as the white text contrasts with the black background. The use of a quote on the cover insinuates that it was said in the interview inside the magazine, which will also encourage the audience to buy the magazine, as the quote is quite intrguing. Other magazines use this technique and strategically place the eye-catching, outrageous quote that has been taken out of context to capture the attention of their audiences. On the right hand side, i have included the names of two popular artists in an eye-catching red and enlarged the font on only certain words to catch the intended audiences attention. On the bottom of the magazine i have used informal language ('Rihanna gets nasty'), to target a specific audience; students and teenagers.

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