Wednesday 10 November 2010

For my Heavy Metal magazine, i used alot of black to comply with the dark, gloomy, stereotype of metal. The bright red, bold title stands out against the duller background image to catch the public's attention. The image fits in with the stereotypical image of heavy metal as she is wearing dark, black clothes and has a guitar. The striking black banner i have placed across the magazine stands out with the bright white text over it. It says 'Guitars, fans and the devil...' which is eye catching to the target audience of heavy metal listeners and slightly stereotypical. The ghoulish, horror style text ('LYN-Z') has been used to represent the artist in the image to demonstrate the heavy metal style, and has been made into a dark green colour to comply with the stereotypical view of a heavy metal listener. I have included other band names on the front such as Evanescence and Trivium to attract the target audience as they may like these bands. The bright colours i have placed on black backgrounds, like the 'TOUR UPDATE!' in bright yellow and 'Extreme hard rock and metal reviews!' in bright red, stand out to the public as they are contrasting colours. The alternating fonts and text sizes, such as the 'Gets the HAMMER seal of APPROVAL' makes certain words on the cover stand out so the audience will instantly, unintentionally see those select words at first glance and attract their attention. I have used formal language throughtout the cover to attract my target audience; ABC1 and students.  

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